Before showing the photos from last week's little trip in nature ...
... please let me remind you one last time that I will be withdrawing the postcards from the shop tomorrow (because they almost never sold) & that today's your last chance for purchasing some (if you had thought about getting some, that is) There are still THREE free linen coasters, to be shipped with the next THREE orders from the shop.
OK, I'll stop about it now. Now, onto the photos from last week. This is what the place looks like :
a little closer :
yes those yellow flowers are the immortelles ! (helichrysum stoechas)
Here's a close up on the flowers themselves :
then here's a tour of what we saw when walking around
fragrant (and blooming) etruscan honeysuckle (lonicera etrusca)
wild asparagus dry "leaves" (asparagus acutifolius)
a special specimen of Chris in the background
very rare & precious shade !!
half of the tadpoles had turned into tiny little froggies
nature at its best on the very last day of May
the pink (starting to ripen) berries of the white mulberry (morus alba)
the simple sophistication of the dogrose (rosa canina)
common rue (ruta graveolens) with the beautifully
crowned ribwort plantain (plantago lanceolata)
and the extravagant Viper's bugloss (echium vulgare)
I can't get enough of early summer's nature ! It's so prolific & colorful ! In a matter of less than a month though, most of them will be over already, because it'll be too hot and there won't be enough water falling from the sky. Southern flowers are to be admired at their best from mid-May to mid-June (or a little later if it wasn't that hot).
I hope you enjoyed the little tour. All photos were taken with the regular lens, I realized when I arrived in situ, that I hadn't the macro lens on, or even with me. Nevermind. (but still, I swore a bit, on the moment !)