Let me share with you today photos from our little excursion to a little castle, the "Château de Calmont d'Olt". Perched atop a basalt dyke at an altitude of 535 m, it overlooks from 100 m the town of Espalion and the valley of the Lot. It provides a panoramic view of the Aubrac highlands. In 1987 the castle was bought & was gradually renovated. From this date, with the assistance of Bâtiments de France and the regional archaeological service and thanks to the help of volunteers working summers with the castle team, the site has little by little been reborn. (source : Wikipedia)
Today I'll share with you photos of the site itself, tomorrow I'll share photos of nature growing on the site.
(seen from the castle)
This is a couillard, a medieval siege weapon, a type of smaller trebuchet. Instead of a single counter-weight swinging between supports on either side, it has a split counter-weight that passes on either side of a single support. Its maximum range was about 180 meters, and it could hurl projectiles of about 50 kg. It needed about 8–10 men to achieve a fire rate of 10 projectiles per hour. (source : Wikipedia)
Hoping you liked the short tour !
PS : I loved these pinkish stones ! Some villages had houses built with these & they were gorgeous.